All new starters at CT1 and ACCS1 to start on new curriculum from August 2021
Starting ACCS2 in August – move to new curriculum format on LLP for your ICM and Anaesthetic blocks. Make sure your EM/AM evidence and ARCP outcome are saved to your document store
Starting CT2 / ACCS3 in August – ensure all current evidence saved in document store and plan to use new curriculum format on LLP from August 2021. You should achieve stage 1 completion by August 2023
Starting ST3 in August – gather evidence for stage 1 equivalence in stage 1 “top up” section in your current LLP format. Once stage 1 equivalence complete you will move to new curriculum on LLP and start working towards stage 2 from August next year, 2022. For those of you not allocated “intermediate ICM” block until ST4 year – the college will allow us to carry this into your stage 2 training.
Starting ST4 and ST5 in August – once you have completed your ILTC, work towards stage 2 equivalence / ST5 top up on current LLP format. Once stage 2 equivalence achieved, you will move to Stage 3 training in new 2021 format
Starting ST6 and ST7 in August -stay on old curriculum as long as you expect to CCT by 31st January 2024. If you CCT after this date, you will need a “bespoke” arrangement. Stick on current LLP for now and arrange to speak with your TPDs before the end of this year.