Post FRCA Teaching – information for Friday 16th October (half-day)

Post-Fellowship Education Programme Course Info
16th October 2020 at 13:30
Duration – Afternoon


The following pre-recorded material will be available for you to watch on Friday:


Dr Melaine Tan

Anaesthetic Consultant UCLH


Robotic bladders and Prostates
Dr Ravi Bhagrat,

Anaesthetic Consultant RLH


Robotic Trans-oral surgery
Dr Sanjoy Saha

Anaesthetic Consultant RFH


Regional blocks for renal cancer surgery
Dr Ravi Barod

Surgical Consultant, RFH


ERAS and Robotic Renal Cancer
Dr Kirstie McPherson

Anaesthetic Consultant, UCLH


Airway techniques for interventional oncological procedures

A link to a secure vimeo channel will be sent to you by email before Thursday to access the material. This link will be live for one week to allow plenty of time for you to access it.

A feedback survey and chance to ask questions will also be sent at the same time, please complete this and email me once done so I can send you an attendance certificate. I will distribute a FAQ sheet.

If you have any issues in accessing the material email me at

The link for Septembers day is still live if you need to catch up!


Venue TBC

To be confirmed.
Further details will be provided in due course.


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