Pan-London Advanced Cardiothoracic Meeting: Thoracic Anaesthesia Update

29th April 2021 at From 2pm
Duration – Afternoon

The Cardiothoracic London Anaesthesia Partnership is pleased to announce our upcoming April event, “Thoracic Anaesthesia Update”.

We our currently finalising our programme of excellent speakers but hope to cover non-intubated thoracic surgery, tracheal reconstruction and advanced thoracic problem-solving.

The meeting is aimed primarily at those undertaking advanced cardiothoracic placements/fellowships but the content will help trainees to maximise their experience during intermediate and higher cardiothoracic rotations.

We will be streaming live from Bart’s Heart Centre, Zoom link available on the website.

Full details can be found on our website along with other resources relating to our previous meetings at

Any questions please get in touch via

via Zoom
Zoom link

Zoom link

Zoom link

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