Duration – All Day
I wonder if you could pass something on to any trainees you know sitting the primary OSCE in January – a few of us at Imperial are organising a study day on Thursday 7th January for it.
It will focus on the OSCE rather than the viva and will consist of a morning of talks on the common things that come up:
– Anatomy and nerve blocks (upper & lower limb and ophthalmology) by Dr Ranil Soysa consultant anaesthetist and Harry Thompson ST7
– ECGs & common imaging by Dr James Hilton, ST5 Anaes/ICU
– Resus scenarios, Dr Mayur Murali ST3 Anaes
– Resus scenarios, Dr Mayur Murali ST3 Anaes
Then an afternoon of practise stations, all done over zoom to give candidates an idea of what a virtual OSCE is like.
If you know of anyone who might be interested, they can just email me on this address (sana.osman@nhs.net) for a spot.
Thank you in advance!
To be confirmed.
Further details will be provided in due course.