APAGBI Paediatric Anaesthesia Free Tutorial: 19th July 2021, 5 – 6 pm

19th July 2021 at 5pm (1 Hour)
Duration – Afternoon

APAGBI Paediatric Anaesthesia Free Tutorial: 19th July 2021, 5 – 6 pm


Managing the Paediatric Difficult Airway: Planning and Techniques

Dr Arnie Choi, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist, Children’s Hospital, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University Hospital NHS Trust


Instructions to join this FREE Tutorial:

If you would like to attend this Tutorial, here below are the access instructions for the event.  You will need to log-in to the streaming platform website given below.  This only takes a few moments, but you may like to do this in advance of the tutorial to save you time on the day.

Go to: https://apagbionline.talkingslideshd.com/home

If this is your first time here, please click Register to get started. Registration is quick, easy and free. Register Help

1) Register your details (if you have visited before, the system will recognise you so no need to register again, please skip step 1 and 2 and go straight to step 3)

2) Choose a password for your login

3) Once signed in, you will see the Welcome page.  Scroll down a little to the box containing the logo and “PROGRAMME” and click it.  Then on the next screen select “Unlock Programme” next to 19th July.  On the next screen enter this Voucher Code: APAGBI277

Having completed the above, on the day of the tutorial, return to the platform website and follow the links to the event to see the live stream.

To gain a Certificate of Attendance, please complete the Post-Event Survey at the end of the tutorial.  Follow the links to the Survey.

After the tutorial date, you will be able to watch again once the final version of the content – including the Q & A – has been edited.  This usually takes around a week to be done.  Access instructions to watch again are the same as above.

Kind regards

via Zoom
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