Duration – Afternoon
The Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia Partnership is pleased to present its second Aortovascular Surgery meeting, with a fantastic line up of speakers from the UK and USA (see attached programme) from 2pm on Thursday 24th February 2022.
The meeting is free to attend online using the MS Teams link below and is accredited for 3.5 RCoA CPD points. If anyone wishes to join us in person at Bart’s, the meeting will be held in the radiotherapy seminar room in the basement of the KGV building.
Our monthly meetings are aimed at advanced cardiothoracic anaesthesia fellows but are open to all and may be of particular use to North Central trainees currently undertaking cardiothoracic modules or considering a career in cardiac anaesthesia.
For full details of the meeting, clinical, TOE and careers resources, and access to our recorded lectures, please visit our website www.CardiothoracicAnaesthesia.com or drop us an email at info@CardiothoracicAnaesthesia.com
via Microsoft teamsMS teams link
MS teams
MS teams