Duration – Afternoon
Dear Colleagues and Airway enthusiasts,
Next #AirwayHub will be on the 21st of November at UCLH anaesthetic department, 3rd floor, and it will be themed around “The perioperative journey of Head and Neck patients. The invaluable multidisciplinary input will come this time from this time from our colleagues from Head and Neck Surgery Department. Here is the program:
16.30-17.10: Skills stations:
- Videolaryngoscopes with demonstrations and mannequin practice
- Front of Neck Access,
- Aintree Exchange Catheter over LMA
17.10-17:45: “Reconstructive surgery in the head and neck patients”, Mrs Clare Schilling, Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon UCLH
17:45-18.00: “Head and Neck Database” Dr Paavan Gorur, Airway Fellow UCLH
18:00 onwards: Q&A, further demos, drinks and nibbles.
We will be tweeting from account @AirwayHub with the #AirwayHub and take questions. Follow us!
Please distribute the invitation to your colleagues in your departments and schools of anaesthesia.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
For #AirwayHub organising committee,
Dr Emilie Hoogenboom
Consultant Anaesthetist, UCLH