Advanced Airway- The Altered Airway

20th March 2024 at 10:00
Duration – All Day

MDT training day focused on advanced airway and the altered airway. Aimed at senior anaesthetic trainees, fellows, non speciality doctors and consultants. To register visit

Morning lectures on the altered airway and anaesthetic and surgical planning for patients with tracheostomy and laryngectomies, advanced paediatric airway and tracheostomy care in paediatric patients.

The afternoon consists of workshops including adult and paediatric tracheostomy and laryngectomy tubes, bronchoscopy, and front of neck ultrasound, and we complete the course with case based discussions involving patient with an altered airway

Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the course.

5 RCoA approved CPD points

£150 consultants

£100 trainees

MAS Room
UCLH Education Centre

250 Euston Road


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