Guy’s and St Thomas’ Critical Care Unit are looking for 2 education fellows to start August 2023:
These posts will offer:
- Dedicated education time (50 : 50 clinical : education posts)
- Funding and time set aside for a postgraduate certificate in medical education (PGCME)
- Opportunities for education research & support to present nationally and internationally
- A supportive environment in which to develop an education interest and apply for fellowship of the higher education academy (FHEA)
- A variety of projects to lead/develop including simulation, online learning platforms and multi-professional teaching
- Opportunities to facilitate teaching with undergraduates, postgraduates and Allied Health Professionals
- Fantastic clinical experience in a tertiary referral centre with a wide variety of specialist services
The ideal candidate will be able to demonstrate an enthusiasm and commitment to teaching and education and will be CT3+ with at least 12 months of Anaesthesia experience. We welcome applications from ST 5-7 trainees or post CCT candidates and would adapt the post accordingly. We may have some flexibility in start date.
Any questions please contact joanne.petrie@gstt.nhs.uk or Katie.lane@gstt.nhs.uk
See nhs jobs/linked in for job advert: https://www.jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/jobadvert/C9196-23-0665
Closing date 7th June.
We look forward to welcoming you to the team!