New Curriculum Implementation August 2021

August 2021 will see the implementation of the updated curriculum for a CCT in Anaesthesia.

There is plenty of information on the RCoA Website Training pages – please take a look.

We are told that LLP will reflect these changes from the August click date. It is a GMC requirement that everyone will move to the new curriculum by August 2023 and there will be a logical, orderly transition for trainees as they naturally progress to the next stage / step of training (eg those starting ST3 in August 2021 should get step 1 equivalence completed by the end of their first year and start step 2 training in August 2022).

Exact details will be confirmed at / after summer ARCPs when we’ve all had time to re-group and reassess any gaps in training following the past year of disruption.

Trainees and trainers are encouraged to read any comms from the college regarding the changes. It will all feel like a new language for a while but together we will prevail.

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